Subject: Re: DECsystem 5100
To: Simon Williams <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/10/1996 18:46:34
In message <>, Simon Williams writes
>I have a DECsystem with 64MB RAM a TZ30 and no hard disks :(
>Is this the same as a DECStation withough the graphics hardware? Can I
>run NetBSD on it, either bootign from TK50 or via TFTP or something?
Sorry, no. NetBSD/pmax does not support the Decsystem 5100.
Neither did 4.4bsd/pmax, which why NetBSD (and AFAIK, OpenBDS) don't
support this machine. (Documentation on the hardware simply isn't available.)
If someone wanted to donate one to the NetBSD project, there's
an excellent chance of hacking up support based on the 3100 support,
since most of the baseboard devices are the same.