Subject: zip drive on a pmax
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Graichen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/04/1996 20:46:49
just for your information - someone in port-pmax or comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
asked if a zip drive will work on a pmax - i tried it yesterday - the drive
itself is accessable from BSD (i tried it with OpenBSD/pmax - but this
should'nt make any difference) if you change conf-glue.c to use the rzdriver
for the scsi-id 5 device - and use an kernel config file reflecting this (the
zip drive can only be set to scsi id 5 or 6) - this way i could read and write
the zip disk just fine - but i was'nt able to boot off it - i always got
something like bad bootblk on the console - can it be that the pmax console
has scsi id 5 also hardwired for (bootable) tapes ? - btw. i tried it on a ds
2100 - is it possible to boot a pmax from a disk on scsi id 5 ?
hope the info helps someone - and if someone has a suggestion to my question -
thanks in advance
thomas graichen
perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when
there is no longer anything to take away antoine de saint-exupery