Subject: Re: Newbie install of 1.2 to a Maxine
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon Greaves <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/24/1996 17:47:19
I've fixed this now, the problem was I had not populated /dev, I'd
blithely assumed this was done by one of the tarballs.
Now I can boot and have installed kernel source and built a GENERIC
kernel. This boots, but prompts me for the root device during the boot.
Obviously it would be nice if it didn't do this. I'm suspicious of the
following line in the kernel config file:
# Note that this configuration is unlikely to work, yet...
config gennetbsd swap generic
and the corresponding lines in NEWCONF:
# Note that this configuration is unlikely to work, yet...
config netbsd root on rz0a swap on rz0b and rz1b dumps on rz0b
config rz1netbsd root on rz1a swap on rz0b and rz1b dumps on rz0b
#config gennetbsd swap generic
>From past experience with SunOS, I assume that this line is trying to tell
the kernel where it's root and swap etc are, I was just a bit wary of the
Can anyone point me at a good source of documentation for kernel config in
NetBSD? What is the difference between GENERIC and NEWCONF? Diff
doesn't show a big difference between them...
Some docs on the flags I can pass to the kernel at boot-time would
be useful too, so far it seems to behave a bit like Ultrix, ie no args ->
single-user, '-a' gives multi-user....
Any help is much appreciated, thanks,
Simon Greaves email:
Systems development manager phone: +44 (0) 131 451 3265
Computer Centre, Heriot-Watt University fax: +44 (0) 131 451 3261
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK