Subject: known, functional source tree
To: Ed Jones <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/26/1996 21:32:11
I committed kernel NTP diffs, which should fix the undefined tickfix
references, which would be the next thing you'd run into. A new
version of sys/dev/tc.c was committed today; I will commit a version
of tc_subr.c that works with it just as soon as I can verify it works.
This should fix the tc-on-a-pmax bug, thus allowing configuration of a
single kernel that boots on Turbochannel machines and 2100s/3100s.
Multiple framebuffers in a single machine may or may not work;
if someone could test that out on something other than a MAXINE, I'd
appreciate it.