Subject: looking for advice on z8530 baud-rate programming
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/13/1996 18:08:58
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this or not, but:
I'm trying to redo the pmax SCC driver (which is essentially the
same as the Alpha driver) to use a x1 clock divider. My aim
here is to use speeds higher than 57600 bps, like 115200.
The pmax (and Alpha) scc driver has a comment that says
* BRG formula is:
* ClockFrequency
* BRGconstant = --------------------------- - 2
* 2 * BaudRate * ClockDivider
* Speed selections with Pclk=7.3728Mhz, clock x16
which seemed in agreement with the data book last time I checked.
However, when I use rates for a x1 clockdivider, I get lots of
framing errors reported. (Maybe half the lines I get have all or
most chars with framing errors.) The rates I compute for 230kps
are the same as the ones quoted in the DEC Functional Spec for
the 5000/240, so I don't think I've made any obvious mistakes.
I can think of three possible causes for this bug:
1) the z8530 just doesn't work reliably with a x1 clock divider;
I should just give up :).
2) The z8530 can work reliably with a x1 clock divider, but
I'm not frobbing the chip registers in the right order.
3) The clock on my motherboard is marginal wrt the specified
I have no experience with problems like this. (I've hacked drivers
for z8350 chips on macs, which did run accurately at higher rates, so
I *hop* (1) is not the case.) Short of getting a 'scope, I'm not sure
how to eliminate (2) or (3). If anyone has any advice on programming
this chip, I'd appreciate it.
(Gordon, are you out there somewhere??)