Subject: Re: 3100 cmap entries
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/17/1996 08:24:29
On Jan 15, 1:45pm, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> next on the menu: screenblank??
One small bugbear from my point of view is serial console support
(still!). I tried the kernel Jonathan put on
yesterday, and it still wedged at the scc1 configuration point.
Arne had a patch to get things going, but I can't remember if it was
5000/240 specific or not. I think the last suggestion about the serial
console problem was to see if cgd was going to do a good driver for the
Alpha, and pinch that if it showed up.
If nothing else is happening in this department, then I might have a
look through the mail archives and see where things are at and what
might have to be done to fix this problem...