Subject: Re: problems with X11
To: None <>
From: Scott J. Kolodzieski <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/25/1995 09:38:20
simon, and all other pmaxers,
> I don't know if it'll help, but the i386 port I've had to use "X -ac"
> to turn off access control at times - I really can't remember what the
> exact error message was, but it _seemed_ similar to what you describe.
> I haven't started X on my pmax yet, so I can't help you there...
well, it seems the problem is talking to the X server over Unix Domain Sockets,
as if I set the DISPLAY to <hostname>:0, I can communicate with the Xserver,
but any client attempting to talk to the server with a DISPLAY of :0 just
gets rejected immediately.
At least I have a X server, window manager, and xterm running now. Even though
in a crude fasion.