Subject: 3MAXPLUS w/o fb
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: ing Jan J. F. Chadima <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/17/1995 13:20:04
I have 3MAX+ equipped with a serial console. Oldconf kernels worked for me,
but couldn't swap. The newconf kernels do not. I do not necessary need
a working serial console or newconf kernel. I only need a swapping kernel
which can boot to multiuser mode. If anyone knows how to get oldconf kernel
swap (I tried change 1/4 in conf.c without success) or how to boot newconf
kernel without framebuffer (using NSCC = 2 kernel hung in configuration after
scc1, using NSCC = 1 after asc), I would appreciate any help.
On the other side, binary versions of last versions of bash, screen and mc
builded by last binutils and stripped (working!) are available in
| ing. Jan F. Chadima | The Master of Didus Ineptus.|
| VC CVUT | privat |-----------------------------+
| Zikova 4 | Korycanska 367 | tel: 42-2-24352997 (office) |
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