Subject: Getting base.tar software onto a NetBSD system
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Helge MEINHARD, Chorus, CERN-ECP <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/13/1995 07:59:46
I eventually managed to almost properly mount an Ultrix file system on
NetBSD: I created a large 'a' partition just at the beginning of the
disk. It mounted okay, the ls was fine, and I was able to start untarring
the 94 MB base.tar. However, after a couple of dozens of files, things
went wrong with a bunch of messages like
/tmp/ultrix/tar: read error on /tmp/ultrix/base.tar: Invalid argument
I haven't followed that up any further, but given the amount of data
transferred successfully, it could well be that reading the Ultrix file
failed as it came to the first backup superblock on the partition.
I then turned back to my exabyte and managed. Here's the recipe (thanks
to Donn Cave): Under Ultrix, copy the tar file onto the Exabyte via
dd if=base.tar of=/dev/rmt1l obs=1024 conv=sync
The tape so created could be read successfully using tar on NetBSD.