Subject: Installation success: mount problem?
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Leslie Todd Masco <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/12/1995 17:10:52
First of all, thanks to Ted and Jonathon for the clue on the kernal
problem I was having. I also realized that I really should have been
using seek=16 rather than skip=16, which is what resulted in my running
in circles for so long. Oops.
(BTW, I'm on a DS2100: I've got a herd of 7 DS2100s here and a DS3100
that I'm really looking forward to getting NetBSD up on, using the DS3100
as a fileserver for the DS2100s... and we should be getting some DS5000/120s
I'm having one odd problem that I thought I should report, though I think
I can work around it:
Rz1 is my Ultrix disk and rz0 is my netbsd disk.
Trying to mount /dev/rz1g on /foo under NetBSD gives me:
rz1: WARNING: using ULTRIX partition information
rzopen: ENXIO on rz1g unit 1 part 6
# partitions 8, size of 0 = -1325400064
/dev/rz1g on /foo: Device not configured
This is very strange, since I'm able to mount /dev/rz1a on /mnt just
fine. The order of the attempts don't seem to matter, and rz1g is
definitely mounted as /usr when I boot Ultrix off of /dev/rz1a.
Any suggestions as to what might be going on here?
In the mean time, I'm going to write the base.tar.gz to /dev/rz0d, relabel
rz0, and hope that NetBSD will be able to read the filesystem. I can't
think of what else to try, since the miniroot doesn't come with a mount_nfs
(or even a route, though ifconfig is there. Seems kinda strange).
Todd Masco | "'When _I_ use a word,' Humpty-Dumpty said, in a rather | scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - | neither more nor less.'" - Lewis Carroll