Subject: Next stuff in Didus
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/19/1995 20:56:41
I put another new stuff in
It is screen, ncurses, mc and some new x11 applications. Please test it
and do !not! be ashamed report any bugs.

Has anybody bash running? (source or patch please!)

|                 ing. Jan F. Chadima           | The Master of Didus Ineptus.|
|       VC CVUT         |            privat     |-----------------------------+
|       Zikova 4        |        Korycanska 367 | tel: 42-2-24352997 (office) |
|160 00 Praha 6 Dejvice | 181 00 Praha 8 Cimice | Email:      |
|       CZECH REPUBLIC  |        CZECH REPUBLIC |                             |