Subject: Re: console type...
To: Chris Phillips <>
From: Dean Huxley <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/30/1994 13:54:03
> What does this loop-back connector look like ? I am trying to boot a DEC3100
> w/o console and having lots of trouble (hangs in boot sequence).
> Thanks for any assistance,

If you need a loop-back connector, then your power-on tests will fail.
You should see a countdown sequence like '7...6...5.." down to 0.  If you
can tell me the last number printed or the led status on the back of the
machine I can tell you want is wrong.  Things to check:
	- keyboard or loop-back connecter is plugged in.
	- same for mouse
	- same for ethernet
	- check that you have the right ethernet port selected.
	- check that your SCSI is properly terminated.

If you get past this OK and are having problems with booting the miniroot,
NetBSD or Ultrix, then I would need to see the results of your boot command.

Hope this helps,
