Subject: Some success
To: None <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/27/1994 19:03:47
Ok, we now have a bootable pmax NetBSD system. There are few binaries and
the / partition is a bit too small to be of any real use, but it's booting.
Now for the hard part -- getting the root partition to be something reasonable,
like 20 meg, and getting a /usr going.
I tried to newfs /dev/rrz0e, which is partitioned at a bit under 900M. It died
on some sort of write error. I suppose I could bring my i386 box in and
newfs it and such, and even copy the binaries onto the partition. But that's
cheating and a big hassle unless there is no other way.
So far, so good. Thanks for getting me this far. Any and all suggestions
welcome. This whole things reminds me of getting 386BSD up and running all
those years ago on my then 4M 386/dx33. :)
Michael Graff <> NetBSD is the way to go!
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