Subject: Re: NetBSD/pmax fsck gets symlinks wrong on Ultrix ffs partitions +GROSS FIX
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/23/1994 01:01:10
>For instance, it's unclear to me why fsck would claim the symlinks
>were two blocks long; that's a pretty long symlink!
Because it`s an 8k/1k filesystem, and the filesystem cannot allocate
less than a fragment??
>If you fsck with that patch in, and a problem is corrected,
>and the superblock is written out, the wrong data (i.e. 0, rather than
> -1) will be written out for the fs_maxsymlinklen field.
Yes, but I thought NetBSD wasn't ever meant to mount 4.2 filesystems
read-write, so this shouldn't be a problem. That patch I called
"GROSS" only changes fs_maxsymlinklen in the superblock when fsck'ing
a filesystem with fs_postblformat equal to FS_42POSTBLFMT. This
should only happen when converting ffs filesystems with fsck -c 1 (or
greater.) In that case, fsck conveniently sets fs_maxsymlinklen to an
appropriate value.