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NetBSD/Linux coexistence

I see I'm not the first to work through this, but then I didn't have
time to until just the other day.

We appear to have come upon the identical procedure.  In my case, I used
Linux FDISK to define the initial NetBSD slice, since it would let me
position it beyond the 8063MB point.

When I went back and reinstated the MBR partitioning, if I included the
NetBSD slice, NetBSD wouldn't find its disks anymore.  When I simply
deleted the NetBSD slice from the MBR, it found its disks just fine.

Happily triple-booting (NetBSD, Linux, games) his PS2,

John D. Baker                                  jdbaker(at)blkbox(dot)com
http(colon slash slash)www(dot)blkbox(dot)com(slash tilde)jdbaker(slash)
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