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Re: Netbsd & PC532 ... moving in small steps

Simon Burge schrieb:
> Jon Buller wrote:
>> Finally, I should have copied this to the port-pc532 mailing list, as I 
>> am sure
>> there are more people who might be able to help and would at least be 
>> interested
>> in seeing the progress of your work.  (Simon or Julian, are you there? :)
> Nothing to add to Matthias' reply, except a hearty "well done" if indeed
> you are building a pc532 in an FPGA.

Except, that maybe I wasn't clear enough. If the kernel isn't probing
your uarts, you will get no output after autoconfiguration is done
because userland has no access to the polled I/O console routines the
kernel is using. When init is opening /dev/tty00 (or /dev/console) it
will just get an ENXIO...


PS: And of course I'm very interested in your project :-)
Matthias Pfaller                          Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH  Tel   +49 8131 5161 41
Hans-Böckler-Str. 2, D 85221 Dachau       Fax   +49 8131 5161 66
http://www.marco.de/                      Email leo%marco.de@localhost
Geschäftsführer Martin Reuter             HRB 171775 Amtsgericht München

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