Subject: panic: free vnode isn't
To: None <>
From: Jon Buller <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 11/25/1999 00:29:45
Has anyone else seen this panic?  I just got one while trying to
catch up on about 2 months of mail.  (Yes, I am no longer  I'm now!)  The computers
just got unpacked, and I ran a temp phone line in from the other
room until I install a real one in here.  I've never gotten panics
on my 532 except when I had a known failing disk, and I think that
one on another machine might be about to go...  I guess I'm wondering
if a (nameless) moving company shook one box just a bit too hard
when they moved it across the country.  Anyway, here's the stuff:

panic: free vnode isn't
Stopped in bash at      0xf80cfd3c:     exit    []
db> trace
(null)(fc753d44,fc7bf30c,fc7bf30c,fc753cf4,f803716e) at 0xf80cfd3c
(null)(f80370cc,fc81b620,f91a1088,90,fc753d48) at 0xf80202ab
(null)(1,f81d0400,f81ad200,fc753d44) at 0xf803716e
(null)(f81d0400,57247,fc753dc0) at 0xf80a86e0
(null)(fc753e28) at 0xf80aafac
(null)(fc753ebc) at 0xf80369a6
(null)(fc753ebc) at 0xf803651f
(null)(fc74539c,fc753fa4,fc753f9c) at 0xf803b326
(null)(24,fdc6c,e640c,e6b4c,fdc6c) at 0xf80d5663
(null)(b400000,fc2187,0,0,0) at 0xf800270c
db> reboot

I guess I need to figure out why I get the bogus symbol table
message at boot time too.  Never really needed it (or worried about
it) before...

Jon <>
Typing this address is going to take some getting used to, after
5 years of using