Subject: Re: Release 1.3.1
To: None <>
From: Ian Dall <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 02/24/1998 15:23:58
Jon Buller <> writes:

  > Phil Nelson <> writes:
  >> Release 1.3.1 is about to go out the door [...]
  >> If anyone else is willing to do the
  >> work, the pc532 will have a binary release for 1.3.1, otherwise,
  >> we won't.

  > I have the space, or I can make the space.

Can I gently prompt for having my gcc and gdb changes in? Last I looked
they still weren't in the current source tree. It was unfortunate that the
changes were too late for 1.3 and I would be really disappointed if they
didn't make 1.3.1. Ideally a new binary snapshot should be compiled with
the new compiler.
