Subject: problems with today's pc532 kernel
To: None <port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Phil Budne <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 10/07/1997 22:43:53
I did a sup early this afternoon and tried to build a kernel.

The first problem is that "aic" is now a standard name in
/sys/conf/files for aic6360.  After commenting out the "aic" related
lines in files.pc532 I was able to config a DEFAULT kernel and make
ran without any other problems.

However, when I tried to run a "make" under this kernel (adding fields
to the pcb to allow playing with the CPU debug registers), sooner or
later things ground to halt.  The DEFAULT kernel lacks DDB, so no
additional information is available.  Interestingly I was still able
to ping the pc532 over the Cabletron ethernet connection, which means
that whatever the problem, the SCSI and networking subsystems were
continuing to function!

Has anyone else seen this?