Subject: pc532 Forth and autoboot monitors
To: None <, port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Phil Budne <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 05/02/1997 17:27:02
I've tweaked the sources for Jordan's Forth and Phil's autoboot
monitor to build under NetBSD.

The sources can be found at

================ autoboot monitor

The items marked with *** in the WISHLIST (below) are why I started
this (and Philip Z's amazement that the sources required Minix to

Has only a few bytes free (to fit in a 32K PROM), despite my linking
it as an OMAGIC executable (no page alignment between text and data),
I can't imagine how it fit when linked with the PROM copy of data
padded out to a 1K boundary.  Compiling with -O2 only makes it worse
(negative bytes free).  I suppose it's possible GCC v1 made smaller
code!  I've tested the ram_db image, but have not blasted a PROM.

================ Forth

I had to do MUCH more work on Forth (since 90% of it is in assembler),
it seems to work, but I get "? msg # 0" after every line of input.  I
also reworked scsi_hi.c to deal with BSD disk labels, but haven't
tested Forth disk I/O.

================ newmon/WISHLIST from newmon.tar.gz

Wishlist for pc532 monitor
Phil Budne
May 1997

0. build autoboot monitor on NetBSD

	36 bytes free when compiled with -O
	-13 bytes free when compiled with -O2!!
	6239 bytes free when compiled without DISASSEMBLE]

	build with kernel libraries
		move source to /sys/arch/pc532/stand/ ??
		use compression (decompress and run from ram)???
			32732 byte image compresses to 17897 bytes!!

1. boot/reboot support
	have "boot" command take string to pass to application (boot prog)?
	*** handle "reboot" string/flags from previous application (kernel)
		have special entry point; check regs for magic number?
		if "halt" don't autoboot!
		if "reboot" start immediately!!
			pass string to default program?
			interpret as prom command????

2. DUART support
	*** support 26c92 (at least reset to 2681 compat mode)
	more speeds
		always use C/T?
			allow ANYTHING from 1 to 57600??
			do sanity checks (see if multiple of 300?)
		just add 38400
		add 57600 (using C/T?)
		add 115200 (if using 26c92)??
	pass console speed to application?!

3. handle/display parity (NMI) traps

4. save info (in block zero ???)
	default console rate
	autoboot enabled
	autoboot delay
	default boot string

5. diags
	memory test??
	SCSI probe



Switch to Jordan's forth;
	add "boot" command
	add auto-startup screen??
	use an image "file" for startup commands?