Subject: Re. installing NetBSD on the pc532
To: None <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 07/06/1994 17:53:33
>I want to remake hdsetup to install it ...
hdsetup is now in the NetBSD tree and with slightly different 

"/sbin/bim" (boot image manager) does not set/change disklabels, but
does do all the boot image manipulation.  Also, just in case you don't
know, there is now a NetBSD boot program that can be used as a boot image
and it will read and boot kernels from a NetBSD file system.

>When it all compiles & runs (soon now I guess :-), I'll happily write
>tapes for folk without ftp access, but sources & bin's wont all fit on one of 
You might want to wait until NetBSD-1.0 is released.  I hope the pc532
will part of that release.  It is scheduled for this month.  This is 
quite good IMO, first boot with a hard disk root in February, a release
in July.

