Subject: NetBSD/pc532 binary snapshot #2
To: None <,>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 04/14/1994 20:30:06
Announcing NetBSD/pc532 binary snapshot #2.  It is now available
on (and soon on mirror sites.)

This is a relatively stable snapshot.  A very close relative of these
kernels was up for close to 3 days, doing many compiles ... before it
was shutdown.  Several major problems with the initial binary snapshot
have been fixed.  Most of the binaries (some utilities are the exception,
specifically as, ld, ranlib, and other compiler tools) come from about
the 10APR94 -current sources.

There is plenty of good news!  I am no longer running Minix!  NetBSD
is my only OS on my pc532.  (Well, I still have minix on tape, but
not on disk.)  NetBSD has been running multi-user for several weeks.

There IS an install script included with the current snapshot.  It
*should* make installation easier.  There is also a small file called
INSTALL.NOTES that should help.

This snapshot is still not a polished distribution, but it is
likely that people who are not as into kernel programming etc
will be able to get this version up and running.

Again, I would like to know about your successes and/or failures.
Please send me mail at

Now for the down side ... Known problems with this snapshot:

  a) Still some compiler problems.  cc1 core dumps on a few sources and
	cc1plus still can't compile all c++ sources.  cc1 is from 
	gcc-2.5.8 and we can't use the 2.4.5 sources without major bug

  b) tcp over a slip link still hangs.

  c) scsi driver is still polled instead of interrupt driven and works
	only with the dp chip.

  d) serial driver still need big work.  Only even numbered ttys
	appear to work.

  e) A large number of utilities have not been tested or used ...

  f) There are many improvements to be made to the kernel ...

  g) QIC-24 tape drives are not yet supported.

  h) ????
