Subject: Re: NeXT formatted disks (was Re: next68k port status?)
To: Darrin B. Jewell <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 10/17/2003 11:23:14
On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 08:12  AM, Darrin B. Jewell wrote:

> Well, in order to separate this away from the device specific issues
> regarding how to the disk device itself is indexed, you can run dumpfs
> on the filesystem itself and look at the superblock.

So, if I understand you right, then the output of dumpfs does indeed 
show that NS 3.3 creates file systems with a sector size of 1024 bytes. 
  I just checked using dumpfs on my system with SCSI disks using 512 
byte physical sectors.  Bummer.

magic   11954   time    Sun Oct 17 09:12:43 1999
sblkno  16      cblkno  24      iblkno  32      dblkno  168
sbsize  2048    cgsize  2048    cgoffset 72     cgmask  0xfffffffc
ncg     224     size    1001472 blocks  967404
bsize   8192    shift   13      mask    0xffffe000
fsize   1024    shift   10      mask    0xfffffc00
frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 0
minfree 10%     maxbpg  256     optim   time
maxcontig 1     rotdelay 4ms    rps     60
csaddr  168     cssize  4096    shift   9       mask    0xfffffe00
ntrak   4       nsect   70      spc     280     ncyl    3577
cpg     16      bpg     560     fpg     4480    ipg     1088
nindir  2048    inopb   64      nspf    1
nbfree  112198  ndir    608     nifree  239782  nffree  1027
cgrotor 192     fmod    0       ronly   0       state   1

   -- MW