Subject: Re: Turbo efforts
To: Laurent de Segur <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 12/25/2001 03:08:31
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On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 07:38:00PM -0800, Laurent de Segur wrote:
> I am contemplating reviving a couple of my turbo slabs and I was=20
> wondering if some folks are still active trying to port to this hw. Has=
> anyone on the list a good pointer for me to start digging things up=20
> (wip, docs, etc...)
I'm about 900 miles away from it at the moment (and until Sunday,
December 30), but I've got a turbocube I'd like to get working and
will have time to play with it (finally) soon. I also have an 030
cube that I'll be shipping to myself there and will have to tinker
with as well.
I'm as unclued as you, but I'd be glad to collaborate. (I *may* have
access to some technical docs. I'll have to see if a friend's NeXT
documentation collection is as complete as his Apple Lisa
documentation collection.)
Unfortunately, I know of no company to really hit up for docs on
this hardware anymore (Apple is distinctly not interested in being
helpful even with the software these days).
The folks at (.net?) may be able to help. They've
certainly got a good collection of hardware.
gabriel rosenkoetter
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