Subject: Re: First failed boot attempts
To: Michael Jinks <>
From: Antonio Varela Lizardi <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 08/01/1999 12:35:23
-----Original Message-----

>Oh, well.  Thanks for all the help; this list has been _far_ more
>helpful than I expected, certainly more helpful than the Linux NeXT

  Apollogies in the name of the Linux team. Luck has not been in our side
lately.  As far as I concern, I haven't found time to continue with the boot
loader. Fortunately I had recent contact with Randy Thelen, and hope that
Timm Wetzel hasn't changed his email, so I can reach them soon.

   I'm happy to see the great work that the port-next68k team has done. Keep
going guys!

Best regards,