Subject: me too! (was: Re: hardware infos)
To: None <port-next68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 06/24/1998 00:05:15
In message <>, "M. Strubel"
> hi there,
> I'm very interested in the BSD port..actually, I dream about running linux
> on my 040-blacky, but the step from BSD to linux wouldn't be that big anymore
> ..
or the step from linux to OpenBSD. For me it would be much easier, to
learn to use a (not _that_) different Unix, than to port Linux.
> (maybe some ppl gonna kill me for that statement.. :-) )
I doubt. This silly war is over.
> I am just still wondering where all the hardware infos come from...seems
> hard to dig them up..
I do agree! I got just a 030 MB and wonder, if it is useable. First I need
the pinout of the power connector. How can I make the machine then send a
bootp request?
Thanks in advance,