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RE: How do I boot NEWS4000?


  Thank you for reply.

  There seems to be a problem with the power supply or its surroundings.
  I will check if repair is possible for me.

Yoshihiko Iwama

-----Original Message-----
From: Izumi Tsutsui <tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost> 
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2018 10:31 AM
To: iwama%t3.rim.or.jp@localhost
Cc: port-newsmips%netbsd.org@localhost; tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost
Subject: Re: How do I boot NEWS4000?

> 1.when I connect the power cable, but nothing happens, the LEDs do not
> up momentarily
> 2.when I push the power button, but nothing happens

My NWS-4000 does not require any special sequence, i.e.
connecting a power cable and pushing the power button is enough
to start the machine.

Maybe your hardware (power supply or power switch) has some
problem, unfortunately.

Izumi Tsutsui

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