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Re: m68k ports vs. libgcc_pic?
On Sat, 5 Nov 2011, John D. Baker wrote:
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Chuck Silvers wrote:
could you try again with a build that has gcc 4.5?
I was finally able to test this and building packages (at least dependcies
leading to security/sudo) works just fine.
There seems to be a problem with "usr/mdec/netboot" built with the new
toolchain. It causes a (potentially) unending stream of garbage to the
console port and doesn't appear to boot. I've rebuilt a few times since
I last tried, so I'll have to check it again when I'm next within reach
of the reset button. "netboot" from before the compiler switch works fine.
mvme68k "/usr/mdec/netboot" definitely fails when built with the new
compiler, etc.:
Copyright Motorola Inc. 1988 - 1992, All Rights Reserved
MVME167 Debugger/Diagnostics Release Version 1.4 - 07/22/92
COLD Start
Local Memory Found =00800000 (&8388608)
MPU Clock Speed =25Mhz
Network Booting from: VME167, Controller 0, Device 0
Loading: netboot.mvme68k
Client IP Address =
Server IP Address =
Gateway IP Address =
Subnet IP Address Mask =
Boot File Name = netboot.mvme68k
Argument File Name =
Network Boot File load in progress... To abort hit <BREAK>
Bytes Received =&23736, Bytes Loaded =&23736
Bytes/Second =&23736, Elapsed Time =1 Second(s)
PC =003F0008 SR =2700=TR:OFF_S._7_....
VBR =FFE00000 USP =FFE10000 MSP =FFE10000 ISP* =FFE10000
SFC =1=UD DFC =1=UD CACR =00000000=D:._I:.
D0 =00000000 D1 =00000000 D2 =00000000 D3 =00000000
D4 =49504C2C D5 =00000000 D6 =00000000 D7 =00000000
A0 =FFF46000 A1 =003F0008 A2 =FFE06620 A3 =FFE06520
A4 =FFE06520 A5 =FFE06420 A6 =FFE0642F A7 =FFE10000
003F0008 48E78080 MOVEM.L D0/A0,-(A7)
Effective address: 003F0008
P$.˙řN^Nu / //NO!NuNqB§NO râ¨NuNq y?ZčJgBNą?O´B0(
#Ŕ?ZěNą?¨Ną?ONqNOcHy?ZĽHy?ZNą?IP`ţNqB§NOp @Nu>> %s MVME%x netboot (via %s) [%s]
sbootboot: %s: %s
boot: ERROR:
ethernet address not set!netie%d: ie_probe called
ie%d: send %d to
ie%d: ie_match --> %d
ie%d: ie_match --> 0
ie%d: unknown errorie%d: ie_reset
[Seemingly continuous stream of garbage output]
[Reset button pressed]
Meanwhile, the older versions of the netboot binary (from 4.0, 5.1, and
-current before the compiler change) all work properly. Maybe need to
keep "-O2" for the netboot binary?
Once booted with the older versions of "netboot", everything else seems
to work properly.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com OpenBSD FreeBSD
| X No HTML/proprietary data in email. BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID: D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4 BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645
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