Subject: mvme68k switched to ELF object file format
To: None <>
From: Steve Woodford <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 12/07/2000 10:03:28
Hi Folks,

As promised earlier, NetBSD/mvme68k has now officially switched to using
ELF as its default object file format.

Right now I would advise against upgrading from source until I get some
essential ELF binaries up on later today. Because of
a.out->ELF compatibility issues, you'll need ELF versions of a couple of
binaries in /sbin before starting. contains
instructions on how to safely upgrade your system from source. This is
based on the i386 version from the website, with suitable changes for

A snapshot will be made available soon for those who don't fancy upgrading
from source.

Finally, before you upgrade, be aware that -current is not guaranteed to
be stable from day to day and should only be used by people who want to
live on the Bleeding Edge of NetBSD development. If it's stability you
want, stick with NetBSD 1.5 for now. :-)

Cheers, Steve