Subject: Re: Chalk up one more mvme147 system!
To: Eddie Burwell <>
From: Steve Woodford <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 06/05/1999 18:51:33
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Eddie Burwell wrote:

>   I now have a mvme147 system running NetBSD! Thanks to all who made it
> possible!

Excellent, welcome aboard!

> Now I'm looking forward to writing some code to get  some dsp
> boards up and running.

Which DSP boards are these? (Just curious; I work for a DSP board company
myself :-)

> and I'm not realy used to programming under operating systems. I need some
> pointers on what I'm going to need to do to start talking through the vme
> bus.

You may want to subscribe to the tech-kern mailing list, if you haven't
already. There's plenty of folks there who can answer all manner of
NetBSD kernel questions.

Cheers, Steve