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Re: Unifi USG-3P Cavium CN5020

On 12/8/2024 03:59, Martin Husemann wrote:
You need to add a coremask option to the bootoctlinux command.
Mine looks like:

	bootoctlinux 0 coremask=0x3
On 12/8/2024 04:03, Nick Hudson wrote:
I seem to remember you need to pass  coremask=0x3 (or similar) to
bootoctlinux for it to start the AP(s).
Thank you both. My u-boot understanding is minimal (although with any 
dive into NetBSD on a new device I'll learn something) but I assume 
coremask is handled by u-boot to initialize the cpu before booting the 
NetBSD kernel.
With that param, sure enough I see another core in dmesg:
    [   1.0000000] cpu1 at cpunode0 core 1: 500.00MHz
Also checks out with top -1.

For a quick test of multiprocessor, I did a couple simple builds (but couldn't try make -j 2 on anything in pkgsrc) with no crashes. But I had a hard freeze pretty quickly with 2 tmux windows each running find / (no freeze with uniprocessor).
> I have some candidate fixes you might like to try if you do have 
I started with stable but I'm willing to adventure into current as long 
as this device has my attention...and patience. Wow, the usb stick I 
have on it is slow. I had to let it go overnight to install comp.tgz and 
pkgsrc.tgz to play with some minimal packages.

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