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[2n attempt] Help with Sony NWS-3410 and NWS-3260


(this is a second attempt to find some help!)

I'm trying to restore a Sony NWS-3410 (desktop) and a Sony NWS-3260 (portable), both with a broken hard drive.

I'd like to run NetBSD and NEWS-OS side by side, by installing NetBSD in one of them and original NEWS-OS on the other. Unfortunately I was able to find someone that has both those machines (or some other compatible 1:1) and the original installation media from Sony for NEWS-OS 4.x (the ISO image is stored in different repositories on the web, while the boot floppy is missing, I was not able to find it anywhere).

Can I get in touch with somebody that already installed NetBSD and NEWS-OS on these machines? Can somedoby share the original installation media? As wrote above, unfortunately both hard drive are broken, therefore it is impossible to dump the and/or move from one machine to the other.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

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