Subject: Re: QUery about MIPS Simulators
To: Robert E. Cousins <>
From: Castor L. Fu <>
List: port-mips
Date: 03/28/2001 17:15:44
The SimOS software emulator ( is a reasonable start
if you want to operate on the cheap.

We used  it for a bunch of stuff on an R5K project.  There were a bunch
of diffs that we needed to roughly match the cache model of the QED processors,
but unfortunately, I'm not in a position to hand them out now.

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Robert E. Cousins wrote:

> Hello:
>     Sorry to take up bandwidth here, but I'm interested in trying to
> port
> NetBSD to a new hardware platform. To do this, I need to start with a
> new boot rom (none exists). Does anyone know of a good R5K or 7K
> software emulator which would make initial devopment easier?
> Thanx
> Bob Cousins