Subject: lmbench on Cobalt box
To: None <>
From: Soren S. Jorvang <>
List: port-mips
Date: 04/08/2000 15:47:18
Simon asked for a Linux/NetBSD lmbench comparison on my Cobalt box.

The lack of a proper microtime() on Cobalt right now made lmbench act
a little funny sometimes (and made the runs take a long time), so not
all numbers may be dependable, but at least some of the results seem
to indicate that we are somewhat behind Linux on MIPS at the moment.

                 L M B E N C H  1 . 9   S U M M A R Y
		 (Alpha software, do not distribute)

Processor, Processes - times in microseconds - smaller is better
Host                 OS  Mhz null null      open selct sig  sig  fork exec sh  
                             call  I/O stat clos       inst hndl proc proc proc
--------- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
cobalt-ne   NetBSD 1.4X  248  1.4  7.1   33   60 0.12K  3.1   10 5.0K  25K  47K
linux-raq  Linux 2.0.34  248  1.2  2.0   30   33 0.09K  3.7    8 2.1K  23K  73K

Context switching - times in microseconds - smaller is better
Host                 OS 2p/0K 2p/16K 2p/64K 8p/16K 8p/64K 16p/16K 16p/64K
                        ctxsw  ctxsw  ctxsw ctxsw  ctxsw   ctxsw   ctxsw
--------- ------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------
cobalt-ne   NetBSD 1.4X   18    156          348            362        
linux-raq  Linux 2.0.34          76    899   253    904     256     905

*Local* Communication latencies in microseconds - smaller is better
Host                 OS 2p/0K  Pipe AF     UDP  RPC/   TCP  RPC/ TCP
                        ctxsw       UNIX         UDP         TCP conn
--------- ------------- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
cobalt-ne   NetBSD 1.4X    18    91   90                             
linux-raq  Linux 2.0.34          17   55                             

File & VM system latencies in microseconds - smaller is better
Host                 OS   0K File      10K File      Mmap    Prot    Page	
                        Create Delete Create Delete  Latency Fault   Fault 
--------- ------------- ------ ------ ------ ------  ------- -----   ----- 
cobalt-ne   NetBSD 1.4X                                17231          0.8K
linux-raq  Linux 2.0.34                                13453          0.2K

*Local* Communication bandwidths in MB/s - bigger is better
Host                OS  Pipe AF    TCP  File   Mmap  Bcopy  Bcopy  Mem   Mem
                             UNIX      reread reread (libc) (hand) read write
--------- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- -----
cobalt-ne   NetBSD 1.4X   15   16   -1     16     63     23     23   63    35
linux-raq  Linux 2.0.34   38   12   -1     21     63     23     23   63    35

Memory latencies in nanoseconds - smaller is better
    (WARNING - may not be correct, check graphs)
Host                 OS   Mhz  L1 $   L2 $    Main mem    Guesses
--------- -------------   ---  ----   ----    --------    -------
cobalt-ne   NetBSD 1.4X   248     0    489         489    No L2 cache?
linux-raq  Linux 2.0.34   248     8    486         495    No L2 cache?
