Subject: Re: Help: 3.0.1->4.0 screwed X display on iBook
To: Jan Henrik Sylvester <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/30/2007 09:55:12
Hash: SHA1
On Dec 30, 2007, at 06:07, Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:
> Dave's XF86Config worked. Thus, there is no need anymore for you to
> fix anything. I will reply anyhow, in case it is interesting...
Well, wsfb /should/ work no matter what, there are some Apple
graphics chips that XF86 or Xorg don't support.
>>> (EE) wsfb(0): ioctl WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES: Inappropriate ioctl
>>> for device
>>> (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
>> Which console driver do you use? Adding that ioctl is easy enough.
> I do not know what the console driver is exactly, but I guess it
> follows from this part of dmesg:
> ofb0 at pci0 dev 16 function 0: ATI Technologies Rage L Mobility
> ofb0: 800 x 600, 8bpp
> wsdisplay0 at ofb0 kbdmux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation)
> wsmux1: connecting to wsdisplay0
Gah, I should have guessed. I distinctly remember fixing that on ofb
but apparently I forgot to commit :/
>>>>> What the display exactly looks like with XFree86 depends on the
>>>>> color depth. I describe it for 16 bit:
>>>>> The top quarter (full width) shows something that looks like
>>>>> xterms on the left, but with some "bars". Typing something into
>>>>> one of them, I only get a few dots. If that were fonts, they
>>>>> would be way to small. On the right, I see the clock, which
>>>>> basically looks correct, maybe too small, too. The mouse cursor
>>>>> looks ok.
>>>> Looks like X and the hardware disagree about colour depth. Try 8
>>>> bit, X may fail to tell the DAC about pixel format change for
>>>> some reason.
>>> With 8 bit, the upper quarter looks similar, but with a little
>>> more distortion, the next section is not only a quarter but
>>> almost the rest of the screen with some black dots on green (not
>>> blue text), and the last section is similar (to 16 bit) but
>>> smaller and with black distorting the color bars.
>> This is weird. Same thing with 24bit colour?
> Not the same but similar. As it is fixed with Dave's XF86Config,
> that is probably not interesting anymore.
Hmm, all it does is to use 24bit colour and point the Xserver at /dev/
ttyE0 for mapping the graphics chip which it should be doing anyway,
I don't know why his one works and yours doesn't.
have fun
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