Subject: Audio device
To: None <>
From: Marco Trillo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/26/2007 22:29:02
Hi all,
I've been working on some improvements for the audio device drivers
and I thought it would be nice to add support for the currently
missing audio devices.
If you are interested in audio support and have one of the following models:
- iMac first generation (rev. A-D)
- PowerMac G3 'Blue&White' (or 'Yosemite')
- PowerMac G4 'PCI Graphics' (or 'Yikes!')
- Power Macintosh G3 beige with a Bordeaux personality card
('DVD-Video and Audio/Video Card').
then I would be thankful if you tested a driver that should get
working audio for all of the output ports. These modes have the
Burgundy audio IC, which is not supported by our current awacs(4)
driver (even if it attaches) since (unlike the Screamer) it's
different from the AWACS.