Subject: Re: current: macppc_installboot fails on fs
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/19/2007 18:26:01 wrote:
> > Maybe it depends on your environments.
> ok.. maybe... but that being the case it should not be possible to
> run " release" (tested just once again last night....)
> without any errors at all..
You used "make" in your $PATH. It depends on your environment
because " release" won't install any target's binary
into default host's $PATH.
Local variables (of shell, or in /etc/mk.conf) might
override default settings in share/mk/*.mk files.
> but what options are needed for "" to make the
> "macppc_installboot" executables ?
Nothing if you use a makewrapper script in $TOOLDIR with
default settings.
Izumi Tsutsui