Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD on Old World Mac
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: Allen Wong <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/12/2007 15:54:49
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-> Are you trying to share the disk with MacOS? I never got that to work =
-> properly with anything older than OF3. If you don't need MacOS on the =
-> same disk the best way is to wipe out the apple partition table and =20
-> partition it using NetBSD, then you won't have to mess with OF =20
-> partition numbers.

No, this will only run NetBSD.  Here is the partition map:

Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/sd0c'
 #:                type name    length   base    ( size )
 1: Apple_partition_map Apple       63 @ 1     =20
 2:           Apple_HFS boot     65536 @ 64      ( 32.0M)
 3:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 root    614400 @ 65600   (300.0M) S0 RUFS k0  / sd0a
 4:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap    262144 @ 680000  (128.0M) S1  SFS k0  (swap=
) sd0b
 5:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 var    1024000 @ 942144  (500.0M) S2  UFS k0  /usr =
 6:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 usr    2097152 @ 1966144 (  1.0G) S2  UFS k0  /usr =
 7:          Apple_Free Extra    64465 @ 4063296 ( 31.5M)

The entire dmesg from the install kernel can be found at:

Any idea what magic words I need to chant to get it to boot?  I've been try=
many different permutations of the boot command without success.  Is it pos=
that the drive hasn't spun up (the system has been powered up for hours)?

-> Then - the state of SMP support for old world Macs in -current is =20
-> unknown because nobody has hardware to test on. When you get the =20
-> machine to boot please try a -current SMP kernel and tell us where it =
-> explodes ;)

I will try to run -current on this system.  Will I need to upgrade to versi=
on 3
before building and installing -current?

As always, any advice is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

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