Subject: problems with graphic cards
To: netbsd-macppc <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/22/2007 23:53:38
I have some troubles with getting a working videocard on my 9600 mac
with netbsd 3.1.1. I remember that when I had a 9500 and a Matrox, I
needed a patched kernel and a patched X server.... which Micheal gently
provided. Eventually the need for a patched kernel went away, but not
the X server.
On the 9600 IU first had an ATI Rage LT, which was recognized but when X
started independentely from which resolution I did set I got garbage on
the sreen, as if video memory was written wrong. Sometimes I was even
able to see an upper part of the screen a part of the X background and a
pointer, the lower part was random pixels. It depended on the
resolution/bit depth.
I then changed the video card to the original IMS TwinTurbo. Here X
doesn't load because it tries to load the framebuffer module which I
don't have or which doesn't get found. Setting the corresponding option
in the X config file didn't help...
I'm using the standard X server, I tried the old ones from Michael which
I had but they don't start up any more after I upgraded since library
versions changed.
Ideas? Help?