Subject: OT: HW-issue, PowerBook G4 Ti does not power on
To: None <>
From: Schwerzmann, Stephan <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/12/2007 12:11:15
dear experts,
excuse me for this non-NetBSD centric question, thanks for not blaming
my dear old PB G4 Titanium (500MHz, no Gbit, no DVI - the real old
does not power on any more: whether I leave the battery in place or not,
with the power adapter plugged in, upon press of the power button
happens. (no chime, no light, no chirpy sounds, nada nothing niet
the battery is unuseable since a while (the capacity was only
for 20 min. last time...)
the jojo/puck gray-transparent power adapter draws power from mains as
I can see the regular small sparks when I plug in the power cord to the=20
wall outlet (some inrush current flows into the adapter)
is there a way to verify the power adapter operates normally?
what voltage at which pins are expected?
is there a way to crack open the power adapter?
I'd like to verify that some DC comes out of it, that the DC cable is=20
still firmly attached. (the proprietary plug apple uses is... hard to
Is there a known "typical damage" inside the PowerBook, happening just
by the age of the device? (in the circuits around the power button?)
what shall I check inside the PowerBook? =20
(I have a well equipped electronics lab available)
thanks in advance for some hints