Subject: Re: Testers with Rage 128 needed
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: Marco Trillo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/08/2007 13:26:44
On 11/8/07, Michael Lorenz <> wrote:
> I just committed a preliminary console driver for ATI Rage 128
> graphics controllers - many G4 PowerMacs shipped with those. The
> driver uses the blitter for scrolling and rectangle fills which
> already gives a nice speedup over genfb or ofb.
This is really nice, thank you!
We have a PowerMac G4 "AGP graphics" with Rage 128 Pro graphics. I
can't have access to it until this weekend, though :-( .
So this weekend I'll test the driver and report any success or failure.
Accelerated console is a great improvement over the slow ofb(4) (even
with the cache hack). Although the new genfb(4) supporting shadow
framebuffers is much faster than any ofb with or without hack.