Subject: Re: The ppcoea-renovation was merged
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/18/2007 18:18:29
Excellent! Thank you very much!
I have a dual processor 604e CPU card. I'll try it in a 7600 type machine
in the next couple of days.
John Klos
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> Tim merged the branch, that means quite a few things changed:
> - - PCI, bus_space and bus_dma code is now shared between all PowerPC ports
> - - interrupt handling has been rewritten and is now mostly machine
> independent. The only macppc-specific code left is support for Old World
> Apple interrupt controllers.
> - - SMP on new world machines works again
> - - the new ADB subsystem is now the default. Benefits:
> - separate drivers for cuda and pmu - saves some kernel space since no mac
> has both
> - ADB bus handling is no longer part of the pmu/cuda driver - now you can
> build kernels completely
> without ADB support
> - support for cuda's iic bus was added - needed for the beige G3's audio
> output
> - drivers for individual ADB devices have been simplified and a few problems
> in the old code don't exist
> anymore, the most obvious one is probably that LEDs on external keyboards
> finally work.
> - the adbkbd driver attaches a wsmouse device for emulating additional mouse
> buttons
> - hardware sensors found in older PowerBooks are exposed via envsys
> - power events are reported to powerd
> what doesn't work yet:
> - smart batteries are still unsupported, older batteries ( PB3400 and
> similar ) work
> - there's no APM emulation - all power related data are readable via envsys
> though
> if you need any of those the old ADB support is still there and won't be
> removed any time soon.
> - - Old World SMP is untested and likely broken. It's been adapted to the new
> order of things but for lack of
> hardware we don't know if it works.
> - - genfb is the new standard catch-all console driver. It supports the same
> things as ofb ( colour, virtual
> consoles etc. ) and a shadow framebuffer which gives a nice speedup and
> unlike ofb's cache trickery
> works everywhere. It's also free of macppc-specifics and works for instance
> on sparc and mac68k.
> ... and plenty more stuff I can't think of right now.
> All the new stuff needs more testing so please report success or failure.
> have fun
> Michael
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