Subject: Re: how to properly shutdown iBook
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: leon zadorin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/03/2007 12:40:20
On 5/29/07, Michael Lorenz <> wrote:
> There's a sysctl to set a command to run on ddb entry ( forgot which
> one exactly but it should be easy enough to find ) - just set that to
> bt
ok - got some images of the crash... don't know if I need to compress
them harder for this list (will be about 3 to 5 images) - took them
with those digital camera things, so by default they are ~2Meg for
each image...
how would you like them?
Each sent as a separate email to your email account only, or to the list?
Compress each image more? What is acceptible size for the
list/your-email-account then?
Or is there a way to "save" the "bt" dumps of ddb to a flie?
Kind regards