Subject: Re. Gem0 Problems with NetBSD 4.0 Beta2
To: None <,>
From: David H. Gutteridge <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/11/2007 21:50:11
>Greetings all,
>I'm running NetBSD 4.0 Beta2 on a 350MHz iMac G3. The system sources were
>last updated and compiled/installed on April 6.
>I'm not sure when this problem started but I first noticed it a few days
>when I tried to back up a large (612MB) file to a remote system. The scp
>transfer times out after two or three minutes. Here are the relevant
>entries from the system logs:
>Apr 11 00:09:49 abel /netbsd: gem0: discarding oversize frame (len=3D21002)
>Apr 11 00:09:49 abel /netbsd: gem0: discarding oversize frame (len=3D32767)
I have a similar vintage machine to yours (366MHz iBook SE) also with a
GMAC card, but running release 3.1. I just transferred a 400MB file as
a test, and didn't encounter this problem. Could this be a regression?