Subject: Re: hfsutils help
To: Vittorio <>
From: Marco Trillo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/25/2007 10:54:01
The partition map looks fine. However, you must then execute the
"disklabel" tool to see which label corresponds to which partition: (#
= prompt)
# disklabel wd0
You will see the label letters attached to each of the partitions. You
might need to run the "pdisk" tool again to get help matching each
partition to each label.
If you have set BZB bits to mark your root, swap & user partitions,
these will be some of the labels which will be used:
a: root
b: swap
c: the whole disk device (no particular partition!)
> Now I would like to
> copy the ofwboot.xcf file from the installation CD mounted as /cdrom in
> the second HFS partition (100.0M) via hfutils.
> My first trials with
> hmount and hcopy where a failure (whilst 'hformat /dev/wd0c' seems to
> me to have been successfull.
/dev/wd0c, as seen on the table above, corresponds to the whole disk,
so it shouldn't match the HFS partition.
Once you got the corresponding label, call it X, you can use a
sequence like this (IIRC):
# hformat /dev/rwd0X
# hmount /dev/rwd0X
# hcopy /cdrom/ofwboot.xcf :
(note that the last ':' on the hcopy argument list specifies the root
of the HFS partition)
Then you can "humount" the partition and boot the "ofwboot.xcf" from
these partition in OF (meanwhile you can boot using the file from the