Subject: Re: Kernel panic (was Re: Boot, cpu, testing)
To: Loic Hoguin <>
From: Loic Hoguin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/23/2007 15:39:41

>> Please try that with powerd running.
> I will when I'm back from work.

With powerd the power button shutdown successfully, and the
Fn+Command keys shutdowns too. There's no panic.

>> Anyway, this should happen only when you press the power button.
>> No need for a trace, I know where that comes from. Sure you didn't  
>> touch the power button?
> No, I didn't. Didn't try the power button yet.

With powerd stopped the power button and the Fn+Command do panic
in ffs_sync (more precisely: specificdata_getspecific_unlock).

All with 4.99.16.

Loïc Hoguin