Subject: hfsutils help
To: None <>
From: Vittorio <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/20/2007 09:43:26
Following the clear instructions on disk-partitioning on my iMac G3 
233MHz I generated the following partitions to have a NetBSD 3.1 only 

vic# pdisk /dev/wd0c

Edit /dev/wd0c -
Command (? for help): p

Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/wd0c'
type name     length   base    ( size )
 1: Apple_partition_map 
Apple        63 @ 1      
 2:           Apple_HFS Zathras  204800 @ 
64      (100.0M)
 3:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 netbsd  7577600 @ 204864  (  
3.6G) S0 RUFS k0  /
 4:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap     639376 @ 7782464 
(312.2M) S1  SFS k0  (swap)

Device block size=512, Number of 
Blocks=8421840 (4.0G)
DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0

Now I would like to 
copy the ofwboot.xcf file from the installation CD mounted as /cdrom in 
the second HFS partition  (100.0M) via hfutils.
My first trials with 
hmount and hcopy where a failure (whilst 'hformat /dev/wd0c' seems to 
me to have been successfull.

Being a complete newbye also with the Mac 
OS which I simply "inheredited" (saving it from disposal) I don't want 
to spoil my freshly installed OS.

Could you please give me the exact 
sequence, step by step, to copy /cdrom/ofwboot.xcf into that second 
partition of wd0c, using hformat, hmount and whatever else is 
