Subject: Re: Boot, cpu, testing
To: None <>
From: Magnus Henoch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/16/2007 00:24:05
"Loic Hoguin" <> writes:

> - I read on the mailing lists here[1][2] some interesting things about
>   booting NetBSD directly ; but since I wasn't here at the time I may
>   not fully understand what they're trying to accomplish. So here's my
>   question: can NetBSD boot from an iBook G4 with OFW3 without having
>   to type boot in OFW?

Yes.  I set boot-device to 'hd:3,\ofwboot.xcf', boot-file to
'hd:5,/netbsd', and boot-command to '" screen" output boot'.  The
first path refers to ofwboot.xcf in the root of my Mac OS partition,
and the second to the kernel in my NetBSD root partition.  The third
setting is needed to initialize the display.

> - Last time I installed it NetBSD reported a 600 Mhz CPU (it is a
>   1.2 Ghz actually). I think OFW don't report the correct values,
>   but is there a way to change the frequency after boot?

As Michael wrote, the reported value is correct, and changing speed is
possible on certain models.  Michael's patches didn't persuade my
iBook G4 (theoretically 1 GHz) to change speed last time I tried,
