Subject: Re: Can't boot from a partition zero?
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: Nuno Teixeira <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/28/2007 21:07:42
First of all thanks for your help. I think that installation notes
are a bit confused but I will understand how it works.
So, I cannot use partition method used by sysinst, do I?
I will follow
instead of sysinst.
Nuno Teixeira
On 2007/01/28, at 20:17, Michael Lorenz wrote:
> Hello,
>> I have 2 disks on a PMG4 (AGP) at ultra0 and ultra1 and other
>> disk runing macosX connetcted to a ata100 pci card.
>> I have installed netbsd in ultra1 drive with partition zero and I
>> have ofwboot.xcf in ultra0 drive.
>> I have tryed boot ultra0:\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:\netbsd but it gives
>> the error: "can't find a default partition open.. device not
>> configured.
> That's not going to work.
> First question - does ofwboot.xcf actually load?
>> I read the docs and they say that it is possible to run netbsd in a
>> partition zero installation.
> It also says partition zero doesn't work on OpenFirmware 3.x
> Besides that, what you're doing doesn't look like the partition zero
> method at all.
> You will have to pass a partition number to ofwboot.xcf, like
> ultra1:3/netbsd if partition 3 happens to contain the kernel.
> The boot command you gave will try to load ofwboot.xcf from the first
> partition /that OpenFirmware knows how to read/ on ultra0. This
> partition isn't necessarily the first one, OF3 understands HFS(+),
> iso9660 and FAT. It does NOT understand NetBSD ffs or Apple UFS so you
> will have to load ofwboot.xcf from a HFS+ partition but since you
> also have MacOS X installed you should have one.
> What's known to work is:
> - put ofwboot.xcf on your MacOS X partition.
> - figure out which partition your netbsd kernel is on ( pdisk or
> the MacOS X Disk Utility should tell you ) then use 'boot
> hd:ofwboot.xcf ultra1:3/netbsd' ( substitute '3' for the actual
> partition number )
> Both the kernel and ofwboot.xcf know how to handle Apple UFS
> partitions
> so you can just create your NetBSD partitions in MacOS X, then you'll
> be able to mount them on both operating systems.
> have fun
> Michael
Nuno Teixeira