Subject: Re: Stability of NetBSD 3.1 on MacPPC
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/09/2007 13:27:04
Many thanks,
I'll give 3.1 a shot, at least on the g4, and possibly on the old-world
machine(s). The main obstacle to me is
that I will have to build a kernel, but it's not like that's hard. ;->
>Hash: SHA1
>On Jan 7, 2007, at 21:59, Donald Lee wrote:
>> For what I want - web and ftp server, shell users, ppp dial-up - will
>> 3.1 (or 4.x) be a big improvement?
>Maybe, maybe not.
>Up to 2.0 the serial ports on Old World machines were pretty much unusable due to excessive interrupt lossage that would sooner or later lead to a deadlock. We rewrote much of the interrupt handling so things should be much better in 3.0. Well, at least if the interrupt problem was the only trouble with them.
>For the records - with the rewritten interrupt code I transferred a few hundred MB between an S900 and an AIX box at 38.4 kBit/s ( because that was the maximum the AIX box allowed ) at steady 4kB/s via zmodem ( using xon/xoff handshaking ) without a single retry, both ways.
>I remember getting about 5000 interrupts per second with that, so the driver is certainly not optimal ( shouldn't it support DMA on at least a few machines as well? )
>have fun
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)